On New Year’s Eve this year I read my 2011 love & romance horoscope. One thing it told me was that for years now Neptune has been invading my sign and impeding my ability to find love. Phew! I was not to blame in any way for my lack of finding marriage these 12+ years since my mission. Pesky Neptune was clearly the culprit of all my love woes and he is finally movin’ on out…
{It's fitting that Neptune was impeding my love life. After all, it is known as the ice giant and it has a fragmented ring system. Anything with a giant icy heart that despises rings is bound to disrupt love.}
I had high hopes in January for love finally being successful for me ;). But it was a slow month at best for dating. Turns out that it took about a month for Neptune to make his full escape. Then voila! Just like that, February entered with a bang. Four dates, four guys, one week. That is a record for me. Two were second or third dates to boot. I’m just excited to know that guys are interested enough in me to go on a second date. Hooray for pesky Neptune’s exit!!!
So do I believe in horoscopes? Not so much, but I will embrace the exit of Neptune whole heartedly if it continues to reap the potential benefits in the love department… maybe I actually like Neptune now.
Congrats Kara!! I can't wait to hear all about it. xox