Monday, October 4, 2010

Busting a move

I'll be honest. I'm definitely not one of those girls who is comfortable making the first move, or the second, or third... In fact, it takes me a while before I am comfortable taking the initiative. It is really hard for me to feel comfortable in that arena. So, I understand that guys have a problem with it too. Still, I have found that this moment can be so incredibly awkward and some guys just are far too methodical or not methodical enough. For example...

Example #1
I dated a guy for a while who was SO methodical. Yet, our first kiss was spontaneous and amazing. After that it went downhill, then up then down and then, well, we broke up.

Here was a typical night. If I were at his place, he would tell me I could have a seat (because we were talking or watching a movie). He always let me sit first. Then he would seat himself not next to me, but as far on the other side of the couch as he could get. Then, about 15 or 20 minutes into the movie or the conversation, he would pull me over to him and we would cuddle. Then, after 15 or so minutes of that, he would bust the kiss move. Very methodical and I could almost set a timer as to when each move would happen. I think because it was so staged, it was hard for me to relax and just be in the moment, which in turn, made many of the kisses a bit awkward and lacked that first kiss chemistry.

If we happened to be in his car, there was a method. First, he would take off his seat belt and lean back on his door to talk to me. Then he would take a deep breath and then make the move. Again, too methodical to make it as exciting as it could have been.

Honestly, when it came down to it, I just wanted to make out so the whole "staged production" bit didn't bother me, until we broke up. Then I started thinking about it. Really? After a couple of months he couldn't just relax? I wonder what was in his head each time. Was it "okay, she sat down. I need to wait a few minutes before I can cuddle or put my arm around her." Then "great, she didn't reject my move so if I wait long enough I can kiss her." Was he listening to what we talked about or was he calculating each move? I wonder. But if anyone knows this guy simply by my description of his 'method of busting a move' I encourage you to tell him to loosen up and just dive in. It worked for the first kiss, and it will work for all the rest of the kisses. I promise.

Example #2
This example is shorter -don't worry. It involves the guy who says "come on, just kiss me." Are you serious? You think that will work? (Yes, it does work, at least on me, sometimes, I admit). But it shouldn't work. There is no tact, no delicacy, no... romance. That's it. Nothing but a kiss, that again is admittedly fun, but is lacking.

There is something about that awkward moment before a first or even second kiss; before you get each other and know you won't be rejected. I love and hate that moment, but love it more because it has that moment of awkward anticipation, that moment where you both know it is going to happen and the butterflies are full-on sprinting in circles in your stomach. That moment is great and both tactics -the 'come on, let's kiss' tactic and the uber-methodical tactic take away from that moment. I can't wait for that moment again.
I guess that is one advantage to still being single, I know I get at least one more of those moments. I hope it is the ideal kind.

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