Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm a Horrible Person

Ugh! This summer a guy I was totally into ended things out of the blue. He said it just wasn't going to go anywhere. I was shocked since I thought we were really clicking. Apparently we weren't. Today I was the one doing the 'dumping'. We have gone on three dates but it wasn't clicking for me. All our calls and dates have just lacked that spark. Super nice guy, but it just wasn't going to go anywhere. I had to tell him. I feel like the worst person alive right now. I hate this feeling.


  1. Does eating ice cream (listen to me feed a stereotype) make one feel better when they are on the other side of the stick? You better find out!

    Do you know why you aren't a horrible person? A million reasons, but the one I'm going with today is because you told him after three dates. That's totally fair. You gave it shot, you don't want to waste his or your time and you chose not to lead him on. You feel bad because you're a compassionate person; not because you're a jerk.

    Pep talk over. I just love you.

  2. I don't know who "Michael" is, but, he's weird! He slightly scares me! I don't think there is anything wrong with feeling bad for stopping a relationship that is going no where! You are being honest, don't feel bad one bit. Tell Michael to take a chill pill and go away!
