Thursday, January 20, 2011


While thinking about what I want from my future Mr. Someone, my mind went to my married siblings. Now I know they don’t have perfect relationships, but they are pretty darn close to perfection in my mind. One thing that I believe really helps the success rate of their marriages is that they are equally each other’s biggest fan and biggest cheerleader. That’s what I want. What I think I actually really need.

Particularly, I want a guy who makes me feel amazing and capable of anything. {I have some security and self-esteem issues dating back from who knows when, but they still occasionally rear their ugly heads in my subconscious}. For example, I am not one of those people who wakes up in the morning looking like I haven’t been assaulted by my pillow and blankets. Lines crease my face, my hair takes on an other-worldly quality (and not in the ethereal other-worldly way), and I look paler and pastier than my pasty day-time self. It isn’t pretty.

I once went on a vacation with friends and there was a guy there and I wanted him so badly to notice me –in a good way {from the pleading in my head on that ‘so badly’ statement, you know it was early college years}. We all crammed into a hotel room and the first morning I woke up and ran into him as he was coming out of the bathroom. He said, no joke, “Whoa. Scary.” CRUSHED! I was absolutely crushed.

What a cheerleader and fan does is lift up and motivate and give courage to keep going. A cheerleader picks you up and tells you you are fantastic, even when you are down by 40 points. He sees past the creased face and crazy morning hair and tells you you're beautiful and worth it.

That’s what my siblings and their spouses seem to do for one another. It is what I am SO looking forward to having one day. And I’m definitely looking forward to being someone’s cheerleader again… I can’t do a high kick, but I can sure do some mad spirit fingers and pump my arms in the air!

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