Friday, January 14, 2011

Day late {and a dollar short}

The title seems to sum up a few events in my personal life lately. It's as if the universe is trying to tell me to pick up the pace a little and quit goofing off or I might keep missing opportunities.

How is the universe telling me this? For one, I have had the same theme in my dreams each night for 2 weeks! {yes, I admit my subconscious controls this and not the universe, but my subconscious dream self is so out there sometimes that it must be more than just me; I'm just not that creative}. 

What is this dream theme? It is that I should have married my ex-boyfriend who passed away last summer. In each dream he is either alive or I'm talking to him after he has gone and each time he tells me that I should have married him, or someone else tells me this. Then it ends with me feeling a sense of peace that I'll get to be with him one day. I wake up and think "What the Crap!?!" Sense of peace my @$$! How ridiculous would it be if that were reality and I had to wait decade upon decade to be with him? Still, there has to be something to the recurring dream theme. Doesn't there?

Second example of the universe playing the "too late Kara" theme. I had the sixth guy -count it -6th guy -tell me how great I am, how he has such a great time with me, but that he has decided to try and go exclusive with another girl. So sorry. Huh? Apparently I am the positive catalyst for many guys in moving towards marriage -just not with me. What the what? I love it how the guy will tell me this and then want to just chitchat about nothing. Please. Tell me the news and then leave my presence or hang up the phone because I need to cry then rant then cry again then get over it. {that whole cry rant cry thing takes very little time, but is a necessary part of my feeling sorry for myself moment}.

Apparently if I had met these guys just a couple of weeks sooner maybe I'd be the girl they wanted to move towards exclusivity with. I'll never know. What I do know is that I need a new theme in my life.

Sounds like a Monday post to me ...


  1. If I were to assume that my dreams actually meant something, I guess that I would be in real trouble...(you know the nightmares that have terrorized me for years.)

    So, I would not read into one thing. You are at a place in life where you are doing a lot of self-reflecting and you have a job that is sometimes high stress. That is recipe for funky dreams.

    I know that it is easy for me to say, but here I go, Kara, don't doubt yourself. Keep your spirits up and GO FIND HIM!!! I love you!!

  2. Who the freak are you kidding? You are making up the excuse for yourself as to why you are not married. It is coming out in dream form for you, but you are creating it. Kara you are the most classic for being a downer- saying you were sure you failed a test and then come to find out you got the highest score. You protect yourself by being negative. I would say "snap out of it!" You are amazing and your man is out there. Just stay the cute fun girl that you are. He's there! Love you eliza
