Monday, March 7, 2011

And then there was one...

The past couple of months have been a blast. With that pesky Neptune departing my zodiac sign it appears that I am now able to have more success in my dating and romantic life. As I wrote in an earlier post, Phew!!! And boy has it been fun not having to deal with that big blue planet impeding my every love move.

I’ve been casually dating 3-4 guys this year and have enjoyed the opportunity to get to know each of them and to really find out what it is I am looking for and what … clicks … with me. So far so good, and I have found that of these guys, I am really abundantly clicking with one.

One thing I’ve learned is that you can’t force excitement. When I get a text or an email, or the occasional call from one guy, I get butterflies and as I sit at my desk or wherever I am, I get a cheesy grin that just won’t go away. The same doesn’t happen with the others. Don’t get me wrong. I get excited. But in a different way.

I look forward to his texts and his emails. I look forward to seeing him and talking to him and just being with him. Being single with him doesn’t feel lonely or empty at all {yes, I know that's the whole point of being with someone}. But I think had I gone with the other great options I had, I may have felt a bit empty in the relationship. It’s hard to know for sure, but I’m not going to risk this chance to see if the others are as fulfilling.

Wish me luck. He’s amazing. Truly.{sigh}

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